Guinea Pig Volume Model

Optimization of pharmacological interventions in the guinea pig animal model – a new approach to calculate the perilymph volume of the scala tympani

Here we provide the model to calculate the volume of the guinea pig scala tympani and an inserted cochlear implant electrode array for free download and use. The model was developed and validated based on a set of 42 un-implanted and 15 implanted guinea pig cochleae, allows for the application of coatings onto the electrode array and is hence particularly well suited for pharmacokinetic studies1,

The software is Matlab-based, made for Windows PCs and can be run if the corresponding version of the Matlab Runtime Engine (R2018a) is installed. The Runtime Engine can be downloaded for free at MATLAB Runtime - MATLAB Compiler – MATLAB. Please cite the paper1 if the model is used for studies, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if there are any issues, e.g. by contacting the lead author Marleen Grzybowski or Dr. Daniel Schurzig

Link to path model

short instruction

| User interface of the Guinea Pig Volume Model: On the left, the user can define the “cochlear dimensions” for computation of the individual ST volume, which is displayed relative to the mean profile ± 1 SD of the present study (top left graph). The tool also requires the “CI dimensions” and “Insertion properties”, based on which the array model is generated (bottom left graph) and the remaining perilymph volume inside the ST is computed (top and bottom right graphs). The corresponding volumes are displayed in the right column of the user interface.

  1. Grzybowski M, Malfeld K, Lenarz T, Scheper V, Schurzig D (2023): "Optimization of pharmacological interventions in the guinea pig animal model – a new approach to calculate the perilymph volume of the scala tympani" Frontiers in Neuroscience 17 (2023): 1297046 

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